One of the ways to strike it rich is to win the jackpot lottery. However, many people end up with less than they bargained for. Many lottery winners are living in the lower class, so winning a large amount of money can drain their income. To avoid this, lottery winners should carefully plan their investments. In addition, winners should be aware of the security implications of collecting a large prize. Whether they choose to take a lump sum or receive payouts over a number of years, it is advisable to seek the advice of a financial adviser.
While jackpots for the Powerball and Mega Millions games are some of the highest in U.S. lottery history, the Mega Millions jackpot has continued to roll over. According to a spokesperson for the Maryland lottery, it can take 180 days to one year to claim the jackpot. Consequently, winners should store their tickets in a safe deposit box and keep them private. During the last three years, the Mega Millions jackpot has not yet been claimed.
To claim a jackpot, lottery winners must match five numbers and the powerball number. This is called the jackpot pool. This pool contains money that the lottery operator has invested to pay out the jackpot winner. Multiple jackpot winners will also have their prize pool divided amongst all other tickets. Fortunately for jackpot lottery winners, the amount of cash received by a single winner is usually lower than the sum of money won by another player. That said, it is always possible to hit the jackpot with the least money possible.