Your child’s school lottery number is a confusing 32-digit code that tells you where you fit in the selection process. This information was released by the Department of Education before the list is submitted in response to parental requests and demands for greater transparency. While lottery numbers are not a guarantee for admission, you can use them as a guide when making application decisions. Here are a few tips to remember as you go through the admissions process:
First, look at the format of the hexadecimal string of numbers. The first character of a hexadecimal string indicates a lottery number’s rank in the quartile. For example, lottery numbers starting with 0 are in the first quartile, while numbers starting with c-f are in the last. Using this method, you can quickly determine if a number is more likely to win or lose.
Next, choose two numbers between 8 and 15 that you are confident are lucky. You can either choose numbers randomly or pick your favorites. The smaller number does not have to come first, but it must be within fifteen of the total. Remember, the smaller number must be less than the larger one. The number you pick must also be within 15 of the total number. Otherwise, it will share your prize with many other winners. You can also use a lottery number system. One such system is the Delta System.
The DOE has used one lottery number for all schools because literature shows that the system does not penalize students, as the odds of getting into a school of your choice are based on the choices of other applicants. Because of this, a parent-led group has launched a petition requesting the lottery numbers for their child. Parents can request these numbers under the Freedom of Information Law. This law allows you to access information that is used to determine admission to public schools.